Friday, August 14, 2009

Have you got your 10,000 hours?

Thanks to a friend for bringing this up...

For someone to know something to an intuitive level, to be really great something you need to have done something for 10,000 hours.

All animators start out the same, you probably don't believe me, but they do... Just pick one, your IDOL, the animator you look up to.

Have a look at their collage work, they started out absolutely the same as you. The only difference is how many hours they have put in...

Work hard and you will Succeed!


Anonymous said...

I'm hearing you! But it doesn't put me off because all the projects tackled add up to gaining animating confidence incrementally as you complete each little project. I know that sounds basic but it makes 10,000 hrs sound like a lot of positive growth in skill. I only get more insight with each completed task so I feel my animator's destiny is ultimately up to this kind of effort I put in! I think I enjoy every stage and bit of growth and I know it's not going to happen overnight! But just being where I am now in life and being an animating student makes me bloody happy! That's treasure! It feels right etc :)

Frank said...

Let's see...

Animating for 2 hours per day (if you're a student)...

That works out to be 5000 days... hmm... 365 days in a year... BUT students have about 40 productive weeks a year... mostly working from Monday to Friday... = 5d x 40 weeks = a student year is about 200 days...

That is for a productive student who does some work in class. 5000 days divided by the 200day student year = 25 years, if an animator works at the student pace that can be observed in classes.

Moral: Work longer and better to pay off the mortgage on your animation skills toolkit sooner.

I could have been animating, instead of doing all that math.

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